A Kingdom Perspective on Giving
Blessed to be a blessing.
Your Tithe: We believe that your tithe belongs to your local church, but you should give above your tithe to those from who you have received a blessing.
Your Giving: If this ministry has blessed you, please prayerfully consider making a donation so we can continue sharing these messages and services with you.” Freely you have received freely give “Mt 10;8
Partnering: Ruach The Marketplace is a ministry that solely relies on donations and partners for its financial well-being. Prayerfully consider becoming a partner to keep the ministry active for the Kingdom of God. “Give, and it will be given unto you’ Luke 6:3Top of Form.
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Banking Details
Ruach Prophetic Media (FNB)
Account No: 62142717597
Branch Code: 254905
Payfast allows payment by Credit Card or EFT. If you are unable to give, please send mail to bill@ruachthemarketplace.co.za. Trust that the Teachings and our Ministry will impact your life.